Difficult Beginnings - Hopeful Future

Difficult Beginnings - Hopeful Future

Islamic Threads

"Traditional Clothing for the Modern Muslim"

Assalamalaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakathu,    

      While we work hard and with excitement to bring you continued supply of the garments you love, it is not without difficulty in the current economic environment. Since early 2020, the world has seen the effect of the Novel Coronavirus cause great distruption in supply chains and economies world wide. 

      After several months, we now see the effects in the consumer markets as well. Inflation of commodities and transportation has afflicted every part of our manufacturing supply chain. Thus, aside from seeing staple things in the market elevate significantly in prices, like milk, eggs, and bread, our supply chain is also seeing unprecedented increases in fabric, labor and international transportation costs. 

      We have come to terms with the fact that the economic environment may have changed for the long-term. Thus, the prices and profits enjoyed by companies globally in the past, including by our predecessors, is no longer achievable today. We have accepted that this increased cost will cause us to lose a significant return on sales, however, we are committed to providing these products because of what they represent.

      These products represent to us, the ability to provide garments that, if Allah wills, represent traditions, and even principles of Sunnah of the beloved Messenger of Allah Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam. Thus, even with difficulty and some losses, we will insha Allah continue to provide these products to you. With the added burden to us, we hope that you will become willing partners with us to share some of the burden so that we can continue to provide these garments at reasonable prices that are accessible to all.

      In order to absorb the increased costs from these economic impacts, regrettably, we are left with no choice but to increase our prices moderately. We hope that it will be an acceptable and mutually beneficial amount that is comfortable for you and us. May Allah grant us success in our affairs and guide us through difficulty and ease. Ameen.

Jazakum Allahu Khayran,

From the Islamic Threads Family

Translation of selected terms:

  • Insha Allah: by the Will of Allah
  • Jazakum Allahu khayran: May Allah grant twice the rewards upon you (Plural towards you and your family)
  • Sunnah: observed actions or advices of the Prophet Muhammad Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam
  • Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam: Blessing and Saluations of Allah be upon him (Muhammad)
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